Hi there! Welcome to my blog. My name is Debbie and I am a housewife from Alice Springs, Australia. I love the life I have here with my wonderful husband and our four kids. It all started about a year ago when I realised that I couldn't read the label on a jar of food I was trying to open. I asked my husband if there was a problem with the way the label had been printed but he said he could read it just fine. He booked me an appointment at Vision2000Kota and they carried out some test to rule out any serious problems. Thankfully, I just needed to start wearing glasses. I hope you enjoy my health and medical blog.
Regina Barnett
Porcelain veneers are a great way to upgrade your smile. However, because of the cost involved, it is essential that you do all you can to ensure you get the most out of them.
Under normal circumstances, dental veneers last about 10–15 years. After that time, you may need to repair or even replace them. However, if you don't take care of your veneers as you should, your veneers may not last as long as they should.
Are you considering investing in one or more porcelain veneers for your teeth? If so, the following advice will help you to ensure they last as long as possible.
Keep Stains Away
Although good-quality dental veneers don't stain easily, they will eventually become discoloured if you expose them to foods that stain. For example, if you eat spaghetti Bolognese often, the red colouring in the sauce will eventually leave its unwanted mark on your veneers.
The frontal area of your veneers should remain stain-free for the most part, as polished porcelain is highly stain-resistant. However, the worst of the staining will occur along the edges of your veneer where it attaches to the tooth. This kind if staining usually appears as an unsightly brown line.
Remember though, if you cut down on staining foods, or drink water as you eat them to wash away the staining molecules, you can keep your veneers free of stains.
Floss Around Your Veneers
As mentioned earlier, there is a tiny area at the edge of a porcelain veneer. Although this area is tiny and unnoticeable to anyone around you, food debris can get stuck in it—just as food debris can lodge between your natural teeth.
If food debris gets stuck in the area where your veneer meets your tooth, it could cause tooth decay. Although the bacteria won't attack your porcelain veneers, they can attack the natural tooth behind the veneer. This would weaken the bond between the tooth and the veneer and cause the veneer to fail before its time.
Ensure that you floss along the edges of your veneers to remove trapped food debris.
Nocturnal Grinders Should Wear Mouth Guards
When you grind your teeth while asleep, you have no control over how much force you exert, unlike when you are awake. As a result, the forces your jaw generates could wear down or even break your veneers. Naturally, this would reduce the lifespan of your veneers.
Fortunately, by wearing a mouthguard to bed at night, you can protect your veneers, ensuring that you don't damage them while you are sleeping.
Getting dental veneers is a big step. However, as long as you take good care of your veneers, they will serve you for many years to come.