Beat Disease and Keep Fighting Fit
About Me
Beat Disease and Keep Fighting Fit

Hi there! Welcome to my blog. My name is Debbie and I am a housewife from Alice Springs, Australia. I love the life I have here with my wonderful husband and our four kids. It all started about a year ago when I realised that I couldn't read the label on a jar of food I was trying to open. I asked my husband if there was a problem with the way the label had been printed but he said he could read it just fine. He booked me an appointment at Vision2000Kota and they carried out some test to rule out any serious problems. Thankfully, I just needed to start wearing glasses. I hope you enjoy my health and medical blog.

Beat Disease and Keep Fighting Fit

Why 20-Something Men Shouldn't Neglect Health Checks

Regina Barnett

Everyone knows the importance of medical checks. Keeping on top of your health and spotting any potential problems early helps you stay in top form and avoid illnesses that could have been prevented.

Just because you know it's important, however, it doesn't mean you act on that knowledge. One of the worst groups in terms of going for regular medical checks is men in their 20s. It's easy for young men to feel like they're in perfect health and that they can worry about getting checked when they're older. But this is a mistake with potentially disastrous consequences.

Not only are there still risks from certain health conditions in your 20s, but it's also the perfect time to iron out any problems before they get worse.


Although high cholesterol isn't often a problem for younger people, that doesn't mean it should be neglected in health checks. Young men don't always take care with their diets, especially if they're not prone to weight gain, but an unhealthy diet can cause damage in other ways. Spotting rising cholesterol early means you have more time to make the necessary changes and that you can minimise the negative impact.

Blood pressure

Stress is one of the major causes of high blood pressure in younger men, but diet and other lifestyle factors come into play, too. It's quick and easy to get it checked, and regular monitoring means you can eliminate any problems before they develop later in life.

Body mass index

By measuring your height and weight, a doctor can calculate your body mass index. This gives a good idea as to whether you're at a healthy weight and allows the doctor to make recommendations. It's much easier to take control if this in your 20s than it is later on, when bad habits are cemented and weight loss is more difficult.

Testicular exams

Testicular cancer can often be treated successfully if it's discovered early, and the best way to do that is by checking regularly for any lumps or changes in the size of the testes. You should do this at least once a month at home, but it should be part of a professional health check from time to time, too.

Discussion with a doctor

This is actually one of the most effective ways to ensure future health. Talking to a doctor about your diet, exercise habits, drinking, smoking and other lifestyle aspects can really help to form a clear picture of what you're doing right and where there's room for improvement.

For more information about health checks, contact a local doctor.
